Return to The Mother
Return to The Mother
Some of us had mothers who nurtured and protected us. Some of us had mothers who did not know how to mother. Some of us had no mothers at all.
How well have we learned to mother ourselves as grown women? How well have we learned how to nurture and protect?
Do you wrap your arms around your heart on a regular basis and say ‘I love you’?
I was recently asked a question that took me down deep into the shadow self and ‘Return to The Mother’ is what manifested into the weaving of the doll who answered.
How different might it have looked?
“How as a child, might it have been different if you knew when, where and how to express your fear and vulnerability with a knowing that you were safe, acknowledged and accepted? If you had been taught how to properly channel and transform your pain or shame into something that grew and made you stronger, rather than internalizing, withdrawing and numbing yourself?
It is time to put down the burden and carry ourselves in our own protection and self-love.
‘Return to The Mother’ is the Mother of Self. She carries her inner child lovingly on her back. The baby is her. The mother and child both carry beautiful plant medicine bundles woven into their wombs. These bundles hold her prayers and strength to now reclaim the birthright of what was once lost or broken long ago.
I love working with women who seek personal empowerment and authenticity by incorporating a feminine, spiritual worldview that reflects and affirms embracing her true self.
Women need and long for a deeper spiritual connection to the Divine Mother Earth.
My work as a nature and spirit artist and communal workshop leader encourages women to step into a journey that will take her deeper into her herself to acknowledge, heal and transform those things that linger in the shadow and hold her back. She hears the call and knows when she is ready.
Jerri Shelton /