The Medicine Spirit Doll


The current collection of Medicine Spirit Dolls ready to find A new keeper

What is a Medicine Spirit Doll?

Medicine Dolls (aka Spirit Dolls, Healing Dolls) are archetypal symbols of the sacred connection and natural intelligence between nature, spirit, and Self. They are special containers made to hold the energy and focus of our prayers, self-expression, gratitude and healing. They also represent our intention for change, clarity and transformation. In fact, Medicine Dolls set the energy of change in motion.

The Wise One is in all of us and we need to bring her out and celebrate her. She calls to us to no longer hide ourselves from the truth of who we really are. She is the true essence that demands to be seen and heard.

She is the Untamed One who cannot be controlled. She is the Intuitive One who is aligned with nature and our most trustworthy natural instinct. She is the Inner Child that wants to be seen, heard and protected. She wears many faces and many names.

She is the Young Maiden, the Inner Self, the fierce and knowing Mama Bear, the Grandmother, the Shadow Worker, Death Mother, the Sage, the Medicine Woman, the Primal Goddess, the Fae, the Witch, the Hag, and the Crone.

We see ourselves in Her. She is intimate, vulnerable, and deep. She carries tremendous empathy, compassion, strong boundaries, self-protection, self-worth, and an innate curiosity for what is possible in the magic of our life force.

My Medicine Healing Dolls are purposely faceless and come from nature and spirit. I want them to be seen through the eyes and heart of their intended keeper, not mine. They are meant to activate and inspire your personal journey, and reframe your story through imagination, intuition, and transformation.

Love and Blessings,

Jerri Lynn Shelton


My Medicine Dolls are inspired by nature and of spirit and are needle felted from a variety of special wools and natural fibers. The making of each doll takes many hours and is a slow, grounded and thoughtful process. Materials and medicine bundles are mostly gathered from nature, often from around my own home near the beautiful Clackamas River in Oregon and the surrounding forest. The doll colors and wool fibers are carefully chosen and the space, materials and myself are smudged with sage, cedar and/or other sacred herbs and oils. Each of the dolls hold a medicine bundle of special herbs, dried flowers, talismans and oils within her belly to manifest guided intentions and prayers from within.  

As I begin creating, the inspired intention has a lot to do with opening up, letting go and allowing the energy of each doll to show me who she wants to be. As a result, each medicine doll is unique and one of a kind and cannot be replicated in exactly the same way.


EXAMPLES OF HOW MEDICINE DOLLS ARE SYMBOLICALLY USED                                                                         

  • Setting intentions, prayers, goals, dreams

  • Healing and transformational change

  • Personal empowerment

  • Shadow work

  • Trauma and grief therapy

  • Totem relationship

  • Alters - personal and community

  • Ceremony

  • Gifts of acknowledgement, support and encouragement