Treading Dark Waters ~ Stories of the Medicine Spirit Doll
““The healing path is not a straight line; it’s a spiral. You continually come back to things you thought you understood and see deeper truths.””
Being cast out and estranged can be an emotional roller coaster of dysfunction, heartbreak and confusion. It comes with a mountain of trauma and lasting side effects that hijack one’s sense of safety and a stable foundation. I find that the more I allow my heart to open and fully trust, the greater the risk of getting hurt again. Is it worth it? A resounding yes for me, but it’s certainly not easy, is it?
I did allow myself to open up, be vulnerable, and trust again. Truth be told, I did it because I simply want to live in a state of openness, vulnerability, and love. That kind of space feels so good to me. Tremendous healing transformed years of pain, and I was enjoying the freedom to be my true Self.
I set down my guard. My body relaxed. My fear and anxiety subsided.
It felt so good to be safe and seen for what felt like, the first time ever.
the Trickster Coyote Comes Calling
The Coyote spirit animal has been with me since I was a young girl. I have a deep love for coyote, but she is hard on me. She is all about teaching the magick lesson of illusion and sudden awakenings. Once I get the joke, she makes me laugh at the irony. This is a constant dance through life that we share with one another.
I was suddenly blindsided by a sharp, energetic shift in the relationship and found myself treading water in an all too familiar deep sea of confusion. Old patterns of behavior and beliefs stepped right back in and there I was, trying to stay afloat by grabbing onto a familiar friend named ‘Abandonment’. Her clear intention is to pull me down into the dark waters of Self-betrayal.
She’s the one who carries all my Self-doubt and shame. She holds the parts of me that feels unseen, unwanted, and rejected. She lives in the cold, comfort zone of dark shadows and can be hard to find at times, because she has gotten really good at hiding.
I want my abandoned Self to know that I see her and love her. I want Her to know that I won’t ignore her, or look away from her ever again. I want Her to know that she no longer needs to believe that another’s dis-ease belongs to Her. I want Her to remember all the years that I have stood by her side and dedicated my life to healing deep wounds that were never caused by any fault of my own.
I am not alone. My truth, honor, Self-respect, and the ability to Self-mother is what keeps me safe and protected. Comforted and nourished. I am deeply connected to those in my life who do see me as I am with loving compassion, and for that, I am blessed.
When I slow down, get quiet, and turn within, I remember. This is how I find the inspiration to weave a new story, often held and witnessed by the Medicine Spirit Doll.
The Medicine Doll’s Sacred Altar of Manifestation
I love to work with the intention and Healing Powers of a Medicine Doll by creating a special altar for her. I find it to be a powerful way to focus your energy and manifest a desired change or outcome.
She stands on the white ‘Altar of the North’ to seriously contemplate and integrate the lessons she has learned, and to release to Spirit for further assistance, guidance, and support.
The Altar Candle activates the energy of her prayer so that the healing spirits know where to find her.
She carries the element of water within her blue dress, hair, and seashell. Deep feelings and emotions are called forth to be fully felt and witnessed, and then released back into the flow of life.
Obsidian keeps her grounded and Amethyst connects her voice to Spirit.
Her Selenite Wand helps to cut through the bullshit of what no longer serves or helps, with absolute clarity and resolve.
The Coyote Skull animal totem reminds her that things are not always as they seem. Let go of the need for a fixed outcome and stay open to the element of surprise. Most importantly, keep your sense of humor and call in what make’s you laugh again. Laughter is healing!
Deer Medicine accompanies the shadow journey into Self and reminds you to be gentle and kind to yourself. Especially now.
Spider weaves a new story, where dreams are possible. Create a web of pure manifestation.
A Crow’s Feather will assist the flight through the darkest shadows that lead back out to a greater understanding.
Her Reflective Mirror asks her to face truth and fear, in both their darkness and light, without looking away. They are only parts of her, wanting to be acknowledged.
A live Plant reminds her that when the lessons are learned, growth is always imminent.
"Medicine Dolls (aka Spirit Dolls, Healing Dolls) are archetypal symbols of the sacred connection and natural intelligence. They are special containers made to hold the energy and focus of our prayers, self-expression, gratitude, and healing. They also represent our intention for change, clarity, and transformation. In fact, Medicine Dolls set the energy of change in motion."
Jerri Shelton