Acceptance comes in and asks you to take her hand as she walks you onto a path of self-discovery. Trust her and accept the gift.
For me personally, stepping into the year of 2020 and beyond, the time of global pandemic, climate crisis and political unrest, has been about the teaching of Acceptance. I’m not talking about passive acceptance. Not the “oh well, there’s nothing I can do about it, so I might as well accept it” kind.
Acceptance /
I’m talking about the kind of acceptance that asks you to build a meaningful and present relationship with the journey she wants to take you on. The journey back towards Self.
Can you stop resisting and pushing up against forces that you cannot change? Can you let go of blaming or using these outward forces as a distraction that keeps you from the true heart of the matter?
Acceptance asks you to stop and stand still and quietly listen. I mean really listen to the part of yourself that you tend to numb out to because it’s uncomfortable.
Invite her in and dive deeper into the threads of your story to find out what is really relevant and meaningful and to face the shadow fears that present as resistance.
The Invitation
For some time now, our world has been building up into a swirling, transitional, uncomfortable energy that has been hard to live in. It feels like Mother Earth got tired of the collective human race’s inability to pay attention, so she shifted us into opportunities that challenge us individually.
She is inviting each one of us to slow it down and return back into what lies in the shadows of our inner self for a time. What is calling to be seen?
Opportunities, exciting as they may be, are often uncomfortable and can take you out of your comfort zone. They will ask you to check within to see if it’s a journey you are willing to take. They come with questions such as ‘have you gained the skills necessary to step into this’ or ‘why does this scare me so much’?
There are great lessons and gifts to be found should you choose to accept the opportunity laid before you. Can you see it? You recognize this because it feels like a nudge or even better, a shove. An invitation to step in.
What can you choose to change that will bring more peace and balance?
What feels kind and loving to you?
Can you put your time and energy into creating a new vision that supports who you really want to be?
What if some of the things falling away, that feel so scary, are actually a magical gift? It doesn’t mean it’s easy, but have you looked for the opportunity to create something built from the ashes that will bring you so much closer to the essence of your truth?
For me, acceptance means opening myself up and allowing the rawness of vulnerability. To let myself be seen a little more. I vow to create beautiful, sacred space around me so that I know I am intentional, protected and safe while I sit in this energy. It’s a knowing that peace will accompany the choice, even if it’s a little raw at times, because I walk into the journey with integrity and an open heart that is fully grounded in self-love and a desire for greater joy and release.
Please enjoy the Current Offerings available to purchase here.
Jerri Shelton /
I love working with women who seek personal empowerment and authenticity by incorporating a feminine, spiritual worldview that reflects and affirms embracing her true self.
Women need and long for a deeper spiritual connection to the Divine Mother Earth.
My work as a nature and spirit artist and communal workshop leader encourages women to step into a journey that will take her deeper into her herself to acknowledge, heal and transform those things that linger in the shadow and hold her back. She hears the call and knows when she is ready.