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Spring Medicine Doll Collection

Handmade with Love by Jerri Shelton

Loving Yourself Is the Medicine

This Medicine Spirit Doll is adorned in the elders hue of purple and is a constant reminder of her eternal connection to Spirit. She embodies the profound truth that the power of love is the ultimate healing balm. Within each woven fiber, she whispers the sacred wisdom that Self-love is the most potent medicine of all, infusing every heart with its transformative magic.

Allow her presence to envelop you in a comforting embrace, as you embark on a journey of healing and self-discovery guided by the boundless power of love.

Needle felted with 100% wool, love, and intention by Jerri Shelton. Approx. 11” tall.

You Are Brave

You Are Strong

You Are Enough

Her intention is set to uplift and inspire a woman embarking on a transformative journey that requires courage and faith. She stands as a beacon of encouragement, reminding you that within you lies the resilience to weather any storm and the strength to face any challenge.

Her Medicine whispers words of affirmation, acknowledging your innate bravery and unwavering support. Let her presence serve as a constant reminder that you are not alone on this journey - that within you resides the power to overcome, to grow, and to thrive.

Embrace her as a symbol of your own inner fortitude and self-worth, as you step boldly into the unknown, trusting in your own capabilities and the boundless potential that lies within. You are brave. You are strong. You are enough.

Not All Who Wander Are Lost

She is a steadfast companion on one’s journey of self-discovery and liberation. As a Shadow Guide, she walks alongside those courageous souls who are ready to confront what lingers within, guiding them towards the light of personal freedom and harmony that the heart has been longing for.

Clad in contrasting hues of both light and dark, she embodies the understanding that the path to wholeness is not always linear, nor is it without its shadows. She beckons you to turn and face those aspects of yourself that have long been shrouded in darkness, knowing that only by acknowledging the full spectrum of your being can true balance be attained.

Know that both light and dark are essential parts of the human experience - equally valid, equally worthy of acceptance. Embrace her presence as a gentle nudge towards self-exploration and self-acceptance, knowing that within the depths of your own shadows lies the key to unlocking the boundless freedom you seek.

You Were Wild Once,

Don’t Let Them Tame You

This Medicine Spirit Doll is a fierce advocate for reclaiming the untamed spirit that resides within each of us. She calls on you to reclaim the authenticity that may have been buried beneath layers of societal expectations and conformity.

Adorned with the ancient symbol of the Triskele triple spiral, she serves as a bridge between the elemental forces of earth, water, and air, weaving a tapestry of connection to the natural world and the cycles of life. Within this sacred symbol lies the integration of the maiden, mother, and crone—a testament to the multifaceted nature of womanhood and the wisdom that comes with each phase of life's journey.

Her antlers, reminiscent of the natural grace of the deer, symbolize a profound connection to the wild instincts within us all—curious, gentle, yet keenly alert and ever ready to spring into action when needed. With each gentle reminder and lovingly crafted detail, she encourages you to embrace the wildness that beats within your heart, to honor the dreams and desires that have long been suppressed, and to breathe new life into the parts of yourself that have been dormant for too long.

Reclaim that untamed spirit and live authentically, unapologetically, and fully alive.