Empowerment Classes for Kids
Fairy Doll Workshop ~ Ages 8-12
SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 2022 - 10:00 am-3:30 Pm (SPRING BREAK WEEK)
Fairies are magical, mischievous, full of fantasy and fully connected to the element of Earth. Fairies can be found everywhere in nature and are essential for the health of our planet. They are nature’s angels who watch over and guide plants, animals, birds, and all of the natural elements. Sometimes fairies can even act as guides for humans. Especially if those human beings are deeply connected to and respectful of nature. Let’s spend an afternoon together in the land of enchantment and create your personal nature fairy doll. Perhaps she holds a special message just for you.
COST: $69 (includes materials)
TIME: Drop off @ 9:45 am / Pick up @ 3:30 pm
This class is held at Jerri’s private residence in Oregon City, OR. Address provided upon registration.
What To Bring
Please send lunch and snacks for your child. We’ll take a 1/2 hour lunch plus a couple of breaks in between.
I will supply all felting materials, plus an assortment of my own nature gifts that I’ve gathered myself, but i do encourage you to bring small, tiny nature themed items that will be special to your child if that calls to her.
NEEDLE FELTING STARTER & DELUXE HOME KITS will be available to purchase - includes felting needles, felting pad, and an assortment of our most popular wool colors. Your child may catch the ‘needle felting bug’ and want to make more after class!
PARENTS PLEASE NOTE: Felting needles are sharp and it’s not unusual for felters to experience a small poke in a finger from time to time. We call that ‘the initiation’. It’s usually no big deal, but I’ll have bandaids on hand if necessary. I will teach the proper way to use and store the felting needles in class. PET NOTICE: I do have a young, enthusiastic and very lovable dog Jimi. We’ll make sure he behaves well, but I wanted you to know in case of any allergies or concerns. There will be another adult in attendance for supervision and assistance with the children. I have a safe, fenced back yard to spend a little outdoor time during breaks, weather providing.