Jerri Shelton ~ Knows Her Way
Medicine Woman, Artist, Nutritional Therapist, Beautycounter Safer Skincare Consultant
"My calling is to encourage, Inspire and support WOMEN who are on A journey of embracing the WISE MEDICINE WOMAN THAT LIVES IN ALL OF US"
I see you and I hear you.
My story is the story of so many sisters who have walked (or crawled) through the process of reclaiming ourselves. We know how to put on a good face, but I too know of those things we may keep hidden in the shadows. Those things that continue to plague and suppress our true nature. Things of fear, of shame, guilt, abuse, abandonment and of not being believed. Those things of sheer violation and betrayal that are held in silence. Those things that need to be transformed and released. Those deep longings that tug on our hearts and keep us from rejoicing in abundance. The lasting effects often result in the weakening of our own boundaries, our voice, our health, our courage, our power, and our self-confidence.
......and then we stand up. We say enough. Enough!
We begin to learn how to reclaim what rightfully belongs to us. The teachers come. We no longer fight what lurks in the shadow because we’ve learned how to honor and sit with it. We learn that the darkness is as important as the light and so we work with it appropriately. We create a beautiful Medicine Basket filled with sacred tools to use when necessary. We find our 'tribe' and rejoice in supportive community.
We become authentic and empowered. It feels like freedom.
My given Spirit name is Knows Her Way. My walk has always been the Medicine Way, even long before I had any idea of what that even was. I've been on a life long quest of seeking truth, understanding, and self realization through an intimate connection with Nature and Spirit. Sometimes it’s been quite an ass-kicking, but worth it. I am strong and I’ve earned my wisdom.
I'm still on that walk of course, but I can honestly say that I've come a very long way towards resolution and healing. I believe it only gets better from here. I've learned so much from many great teachers and these teachings have truly made me able to stand up, empowered, as a strong, grateful Wise Woman.
My art is a reflection of who I am and of what I see in so many of my sisters. The intention is to remain open and channel an intuitive energy that connects to heart and spirit. I share with you what I've learned along the way and of what I've come to know for sure. May your own heart be open to receive abundantly along this sacred walk of life.
Aho Mitakuye Oyasin